Prairie Mountain Golf League

Welcome to the Prairie Mountain Golf League
Created in 2022, PMGL is an interclub competition between Western Manitoba golf courses in the Prairie Mountain region of the province. The league consists of 10 teams in 2023 all of which are listed below with rosters linked to their name.
Schedule | Standings | Contact Info
Teams (2024):
Carberry Sandhills Golf Club
Minnedosa Golf & Country Club
Neepawa Golf & Country Club
Souris Glenwood Golf Course
Killarney Lakeside Golf Course
Shilo Country Club
Glen Lea Golf Course
Oak Island Golf Course
Full List of Rules:
- Weekly team matches featuring 4 players from each team.
- Two man Fourball (Better score) match play playing format
- There will be 3 points available for each match. One point for winning the front nine, one for the back nine and one for the overall 18 holes. If there is a tie, half a point will be awarded to each team
- There will be no handicaps involved
- Each golf course is expected to have four players available each week. Courses can roster up to 16 players on their team. It is the course or team captain’s responsibility to schedule which players will play which week.
- Players MUST be members of the golf course in which they are playing for. Club professionals are permitted to compete.
- Golfers must play a minimum of 2 matches during the regular season to be eligible for playoffs.
- Please contact Patrick at 204-720-9623 with the results of each match along with the member that played that week
- Matches will be played on Friday evenings or Sunday afternoons depending on courses preference and schedule
- There will be 6 matches total over the course of 6 weeks
- First match will begin late-May and run until late June
- The playoffs will be a bracket format where the 1st & 2nd place team receive a BYE while the 3rd place team will play 6th place and 4th place will play 5th place. The higher seed in each playoff match will host and receive home course advantage. The finals will be conducted on a neutral site which will be determined at a later date.
Past Champions:
2022 - Carberry Sandhills Golf Club
2023 - Carberry Sandhills Golf Club
2024 - Shilo Country Club